Welcome to a Friday Fun Edition!
This week was my last week of freedom before starting the new gig. I decided to take it easy and step away from the computer (a bit more than usual). I enjoyed a few extra bike rides, drank a multitude of beers (and a few fancy daquiris) with friends, attended a community meeting on a proposed solar farm in my neighborhood, and watched the kid play baseball.
I'm kicking off this week's newsletter with the pic below because I've never captured a photo of all four of my animals together – let alone looking at the camera! #proudmom
Happy Friday, friends!
Please, Call Me Czar
Time for the reveal.
I'm super excited to announce that, next week, I'll be joining the Pittsburgh Regional Alliance (PRA) as their first Startup Czar.
Yes, you heard that right. I'm a czar. Advance apologies to all of my friends who have to tolerate my love of this into the foreseeable future.
In this new role, I'll be leading the PRA's efforts in the startup ecosystem to better support and retain high-growth startups across the region. I can't tell you how excited I am to be given the opportunity to work with and support my favorite group of people – founders.
Looking forward to working with many of you in this new role!
Two New Trailers
Stranger Things Season 4 Teaser Supports Two Key Story Theories (Screenrant)
The season 4 trailer of one of my favorite sci-fi dramas opens with a family entering one of the most gorgeous Victorian homes I've ever seen – and then gets real creepy real fast. Introducing The Creel House. And that's all I'm gonna tell you. #spooky
Ozark’s fourth and final season comes to Netflix in 2022 (Polygon)
The Byrdes are back and the stakes have never been higher. Similar to what they're doing with Money Heist, Netflix will be release season four of Ozark in a two-part conclusion.
Side note: I ❤️ Jason Bateman. One of my all-time favorite comedies is Arrested Development. And yes, this probably says something about me.
My People! (must be said arms raised in the air)
My life wouldn't have been as wild as it has been without a fantastic cast of characters!
I scanned my book this week and made a list of every person who got a mention. And again, because I'm extra, I decided to turn that list into a page on my website.
If you want to get a sense of what's coming in the book, check out the page 😆
I'm still working on linking out to everyone, but man, this was a fun little project. I laughed so much compiling the list, thinking about all of the stories from these friendships.
New To Me: Spotify Codes
When Ted rolled into Pittsburgh a couple of weeks ago, he showed up at happy hour wearing a super cool t-shirt from Ten Tree.
The reason it was so cool: It included a Spotify Code that, when scanned in Spotify, took me to a playlist the company had curated called Walk in the Woods.
So rad!!! I had NO IDEA this was possible in Spotify – and it's been around since 2017.
So what am I going to do with this newfound knowledge? I think I might put the the following saying (that I just made up) on a t-shirt with the code.
A way to a girl's heart can be found in her playlist.
Scan away!
Inspiring Design
Wendy’s Is Making a Phone and It’s as Dumb as It Sounds (How-To Geek)
I mean yeah, but we're talking about it, right? #marketing
Wendy's knows how to do marketing. They've long been touted as one of the best at social media. If you're not familiar, check out the two articles below. Their tweets are just so so good.
Wendy’s Brilliant Twitter Strategy & Its Top 20 Best Tweets
A Tribute to Wendy’s Awesome Social Media Strategy
26 best color combinations for your next design (Webflow Blog)
With 16.8 million colors to choose from, the color scheme options for your next logo, web, or brand design are just about infinite. Along with highlight 26 awesome two and three-color palettes, the post also talks color theory and color psychology.
Side note: I had no idea that Sir Isaac Newton designed the first color wheel in 1666 🤯
Denmark is repurposing discarded wind turbine blades as bike shelters (Design Boom)
Current non-biodegradable wind turbine blades have a 20-year lifespan, which means a bunch of them are going to have to be replaced soon. A few Danish companies have come up with an ingenious plan for repurposing the gigantic metal structures: transform them into bicycle garages or footbridges!
PSA: Shags & Mullets Are About To Be Everywhere (Refinery29)
Hair design👆
And I knew it. I'm SO. DAMN. HIP.
Until next time,
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